F1 Tokyo Cross

178 In stock

Size: 6 x medium plug plants

Packed full of good flavour and pure white roots, you can use the bright green tops in salads or steam as a vegetable.
Easy to grow, high yielding variety that store well. Heavy crops of globe shape white roots with solid but tender green crown. Roots and the green tops are both an excellent addition to any stew or casseroles.


Roughly 6-8 weeks after planting when they are about the size of a tennis ball.

Growing Instructions

Plant 30cm apart in a sunny position, in a firm but well drained soil. Keep well watered until established and in dry weather. Harvest when globe is a bit larger than a tennis ball size. Alternatively, you can pick them earlier for baby veg. Protect them from cabbage white butterfly.
Product Name F1 Tokyo Cross
Species Turnip
Variety F1 Tokyo Cross
Planting Time March - July
Harvest Time May - September
Maturity from Planting 45 - 55 Days
Bolting Resistance Good
Hardyness Hardy
pH Level 6.0 - 7.0
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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