The Prince

142 In stock

Size: 6 x medium plug plants

This early maturing french bean dwarf bush variety producing long stringless flat pods.
This early maturing french bean dwarf bush variety producing long stringless flat pods.


June onwards once the pods have reached roughly 10cm long and before the beans have swollen.

Growing Instructions

Plant in well drained soil 10cm apart in full sun but sheltered position. Keep well watered until established and in dry weather. Must protect from the frost.


Pick regularly for a continuous crop.
Product Name The Prince
Species Bean - Dwarf French
Variety The Prince
Also Known As Bush/Pole/Snap/Green Wax Bean
Planting Time March - July
Harvest Time June -Sept
Maturity from Planting 90 days
Hardyness Non Hardy
pH Level 6.0-6.5
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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