F1 Wodan.

35 In stock

Size: 6 x medium plug plants

Early maturing variety with good bolting tolerance which rarely becomes woody. Excellent skin quality and internal colour.
Each plug has 5-10 plants in.


Early maturing variety with good bolting tolerance which rarely becomes woody. Excellent skin quality and internal colour. Can be picked young as early beet or left for the roots to get larger. Good for pickling.


June to October. You can fleece the beets from the frost and harvest them all winter. Clean roots and keep aerated

Growing Instructions
Do not separate but plant as a bunch as they will spread out naturally. Position 15-20 cm apart in well drained soil in full or partial sun, keep well watered until established and in dry weather.

Beetroot Tip

Plant every 4 weeks for a continuous crop. Young leaves can be used as an alternative to spinach.
Product Name F1 Wodan.
Species Beetroot
Variety Wodan F1
Also Known As Beet
Planting Time March - September
Harvest Time June - October
Maturity from Planting 50 - 90 Days
Bolting Resistance Good
Hardyness Protect early on / Half Hardy
pH Level 6.0-7.0
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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