Nero Di Toscana

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Size: 6 x medium plug plants

Part of the brassica family Nero Di Toscana Kale has very dark green/black long savoyed leaves and easy to grow,
Each plug has 2-3 plants in.


A member of the brassica family this Kale has very dark green long savoyed leaves. Easy to grow, will withstand a harsh winter and can be used for a cut and come again salads of grown on. Can also be known as Palm cabbage, Black Tuscan, Black Tuscany and Cavolo Nero.


Roughly 6-7 weeks after planting, pick a few leaves at a time always leaving some to grow on. Flavours will improve once the frosts have started in early winter, releasing its sugars.

Growing Instructions
Plant as a bunch no need to separate the seedlings as this will harm the roots.
Plant 50cm apart in well drained soil in sun or semi shade, try to bury the plug and stems up to the start of first leaves, and pat down the soil around the stem to help give them some support for when they get bigger. Water well until established. Protect form cabbage white butterfly in the summer months.


When cooking cut the thick middle bit out as it takes longer to cook.
Product Name Nero Di Toscana
Species Kale
Variety Black Tuscan
Also Known As Borecole/Palm Cabbage
Planting Time March - September
Harvest Time May - November
Maturity from Planting 90-210 Days
Hardyness Hardy
pH Level 6.0 - 7.0
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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