F1 Minipop

178 In stock

Size: 6 x medium plug plants

Specially bred to be small each plant produces 5-6 cobs roughly 10cm long pale yellow with a sweet crunchy taste.
This perfect mini sweetcorn has been specially bred to be small and once you try it you will not buy it from a supermarket again! Each plant produces 5-6 cobs roughly 10cm long pale yellow with a sweet crunchy taste.


From August onwards. You will see yellowy silk like tassels forming at the top of the cob once they turn slightly pink that's the perfect time to harvest baby corn.

Growing Instructions

Plant 45cm apart in a block together, (keep away from any other types of sweetcorn to eliminate cross pollination) plant in well drained soil and a sunny but sheltered site. Keep well watered until established and in dry weather. Protect from the frost. Will not cross pollinate if you are just growing for the baby sweetcorn.


Baby corn is best eaten raw on the same day as picking. But, you can leave it growing on the plant to pollinate for another month to swell and firm, you will then have perfect kernels for POP CORN!
Product Name F1 Minipop
Species Sweetcorn
Variety F1 Minipop
Also Known As Corn On The Cob/Indian Corn
Planting Time April - June
Harvest Time August - October
Maturity from Planting 60-90 Days
Hardyness Non Hardy
pH Level 5.5 - 7.0
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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