F1 Delta Star (mini)

132 In stock

Size: 3 x 9cm pot plants

All female variety, prolifc grower producing dark green, spineless, thin skins which are slightly ribbed and a superb taste.
The most popular cucumber out of all our varieties. Huge crops of perfect mid length cucumbers. Dark green, spineless, thin skins which are slightly ribbed and a superb taste. All female variety so NO need to cross pollinate. You can be picking up to 5-6 cucumbers A WEEK! You will not know what to do with them all! One of our customers had a record of 158 cucumbers in the 2006 season from one plant. Can you beat that? Get in touch and let us know!


May to November (roughly 8-10 weeks after planting.) Once you see the end of the cucumber changing from pointed to rounded.

Growing Instructions

Plant 45cm apart in a grow bag in a sunny but sheltered position (they don't like drafts and need to be kept above 16°C!) They can be grown outside if we have a hot enough summer, but will do better in a greenhouse. Keep them well watered until established and in dry weather. Carefully train them as they grow, clockwise up a string/stake that's 6 foot high, picking the side shoots and flowers off up to 30cm. Then only pick the side shoots off and let the plant carry on growing up to about 6 feet tall. Once it has reached the top of the string/support let the plant grow wild coming back down towards the floor. Pick off any yellow dead leaves along the way. Only begin to feed once you see the first two cucumbers growing. NOT before!


Pick cucumbers regularly to promote long and continuous harvesting. Cucumbers prefer humid weather, pop a bucket of water in the greenhouse in the summer and try keeping the path wet. DO NOT use farm yard manure on your cucumbers, as farmers sometimes use a hormone weed killer on barley/wheat/straw that is then used as bedding. This will dramatically harm your crop!
Product Name F1 Delta Star (mini)
Species Cucumber
Variety Min Delta Star F1
Planting Time March - July
Harvest Time June - November
Maturity from Planting 60-90 Days
Hardyness Non Hardy
pH Level 5.5 - 7.5
Size 3 x 9cm pot plants
Pack Size 9cm
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