F1 Green Magic

178 In stock

Size: 6 x medium plug plants

An early maturing variety with a tightly packed head and great taste.
An early maturing variety with a tightly packed heads that some say taste milder than sprouting broccoli. Once this has been harvested the plant will produce lots of side shoots which can be harvested over a long period. Good tolerance to white rust and ideal for freezing.


June to October

Growing Instructions

Plant 30cm apart in well drained soil in partial shade. Keep well watered until established and in dry weather. Protect from cabbage white butterfly in the summer months.


Steam rather than boil to keep their rich colour and vitamin count. Leaves also can be cooked and eaten as a winter green.

Calabrese and Broccoli - what’s the difference? Supermarkets, for whatever reason decided to swap the names around. So we just wanted to help clarify what’s what. Calabrese are smaller plants that will produce a large green crown/heads, they are grown from spring to early summer and crop the same year. Broccoli or sprouting broccoli is typically an over winter type that produces large plants with lots of small heads/florets/purple spears. These are grown from late spring to late summer and harvest from late winter to the following spring.
Product Name F1 Green Magic
Species Calabrese
Variety Green Magic F1
Also Known As Broccoli
Planting Time March - July
Harvest Time June - October
Maturity from Planting 90 days
Bolting Resistance Slow
Hardyness Tender
pH Level 6.0- 7.0
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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