
89 In stock

Size: 3 x 9cm pot plants

A member of the onion family.  Easy to grow Garlic produces 10 or so cloves which have a strong flavour.
There are 3-4 plants per pot.

A member of the onion family. Easy to grow Garlic produces 10 or so cloves which have a strong flavour. Garlic is widely used around the world for its pungent flavour as a seasoning or condiment. It is said to lower cholestorol and reduce heart disease.


Once the foliage turns yellow. Carefully dig up and dry for about a week.

Growing Instructions

Plant as a bunch, no need to separate the plant, as they will push themselves out naturally. Plant in a sunny position in well drained soil, keep well watered until established and in dry weather. Must keep them weed free. Cut off any flowers that appear, to promote better growth of the bulb, but dont throw them away as they have a mild garlic flavour and can be chopped and used in a salad.

Companion Plants
Garlic can ward off flies and most of all Aphids, planted sparingly around your veg patch will help many of your veggies, but do not plant then near peas and beans as this will stunt there growth.
Product Name Garlic
Species Onion
Variety Garlic
Planting Time March - May September - October
Harvest Time spring planting - March to May ---- Autumn planting June- July the following year
Maturity from Planting 120 Days 300 Days
Bolting Resistance Slow
Hardyness Hardy
pH Level 5.5 - 6.8
Size 3 x 9cm pot plants
Pack Size 9cm
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