F1 Sunbeam

133 In stock

Size: 3 x 9cm pot plants

This squash produces a mass of little bright yellow mini flat lanterns that can be pickled or cooked.
This squash produces a mass of little bright yellow mini flat lanterns or flying saucer shape, they have a nutty flavour with a firmer bite than a courgette, they can be pickled or cooked. Very easy to grow, treat as you would grow a courgette.


Once they reach roughly 3-5cm in size. If you keep picking, they will produce more and more and more...

Growing Instructions

Plant 90cm apart in well drained soil in a sunny but sheltered spot. Keep well watered until established and in dry weather. Can be grown in a pot on your patio or even amongst your flower bed, where they wont look out of place.
Product Name F1 Sunbeam
Species Squash
Variety Mini Yellow F1 Sunbeam
Also Known As Patty Pan/Gourd
Planting Time April - June
Harvest Time When the fruit reaches 3-4cm in size
Maturity from Planting 90 -120 Days
Hardyness Non Hardy
pH Level 5.5 - 6.8
Size 3 x 9cm pot plants
Pack Size 9cm
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