F1 Providence

178 In stock

Size: 6 x medium plug plants

Late maturing savoy variety with a good standing ability producing grey/green fine blistered, heavy heads
Late maturing savoy variety with a good standing ability. They will produce grey/green fine blistered, heavy heads and will withstand the harshest of winters.


September to Spring

Growing Instructions

Plant in humus rich moist soil in full sun or part shade 30 - 45 cm apart. Keep well watered until established and in dry weather. Feed fortnightly with a liquid fertiliser.


Protect from Cabbage White Butterfly with netting. Plant every 4 weeks for a continuous supply.
Product Name F1 Providence
Species Cabbage
Variety F1 Providence
Planting Time March - September
Harvest Time September to March
Maturity from Planting 240 - 260
Bolting Resistance Good
Hardyness Hardy
pH Level 6.0- 7.0
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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