Evesham Special

42 In stock

Size: 6 x medium plug plants

Old favourite for its generous crops, ready particularly early in the season, producing densley packed, fat, firm sprouts.
A popular old favourite for its generous crops which are ready particularly early in the season. Producing densely packed, fat, firm sprouts which crop over a long period. A good choice for exposed sites and smaller gardens. Not as good as the 'Icarus type' variety. Available from March to July


September to February

Growing Instructions

Plant 60cm apart in a sheltered but sunny position. Keep well watered until established and in dry weather. Will need protection from the cabbage white butterfly.
Product Name Evesham Special
Species Brussels Sprout
Variety Evesham Special
Also Known As Sprouts
Planting Time March - July
Harvest Time September - February
Maturity from Planting 180 - 210 Days
Bolting Resistance Good
Hardyness Hardy
pH Level 6.0- 7.0
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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