Blue Lake

178 In stock

Size: 6 x medium plug plants

This climbing bean produces lots of pretty white flowers, producing round pods up to 10-15cm long, which are deliciously sweet
This climbing bean produces lots of pretty white flowers, producing pods up to 10-15cm long, which are deliciously sweet and keep their sweetness even after being cooked. They freeze well and if grown on, will produce a great crop of Haricot beans.


From June onwards, once the pods reach about 10-15cm long, before you see the bean forming inside.

Growing Instructions

Carefully position the plants 25cm apart, to grow up canes/trellis/netting in well drained soil in full sun. Keep well watered until established and in dry weather. Water well once the flowers appear.


You can also use sweetcorn instead of cane or trellis to grow beans up, these will attract beneficial insects to ward off any leaf hoppers, make sure you give sweetcorn a head start before planting beans. Remember to pick regularly for a continuous crop.
Product Name Blue Lake
Species Bean - Climbing
Variety Blue Lake
Also Known As Bush/Pole/Snap/Green Wax Bean
Planting Time March - July
Harvest Time June - Sept
Maturity from Planting 90 days
Hardyness Non Hardy
pH Level 6.0-6.5
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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