Basil - Sweet

42 In stock

Size: 6 x medium plug plants

Easy to grow and perfect for making pesto and mixing with tomato based dishes.
Each plug has 2-3 plants in.

Relatively easy to grow, Sweet Basil is perfect for making pesto and mixing with pasta based dishes. Genovese variety is known for its amazing fragrance and the aroma they give out in the summer is just amazing.


Pick the leaves once the plant is 10cm or larger. Pick regularly to promote new growth.

Growing Instructions

Plant as a bunch 20cm apart in well drained soil preferably in full sun on your windowsill/conservatory or in a sunny warm position in your garden. Basil loves warmer climates and will start to look terrible or even die if left too cold, Keep well watered until established and in dry weather. They are very fussy about being soggy though, so be careful. Will need some feed if the plants start to turn yellow.


Remove any flower heads to promote more leaf growth,
Product Name Basil - Sweet
Species Basil
Variety Basil Sweet
Planting Time March-August
Harvest Time May-September
Maturity from Planting 60-90 Days
Bolting Resistance Poor
Hardyness Tender
pH Level 5.5-6.5
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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