F1 Atalaya

177 In stock

Size: 6 x medium plug plants

A high quality pure white variety with deep solid curds with good leaf cover protection.
A high quality pure white variety with deep solid curds with good leaf cover protection.


July to October

Growing Instructions

Plant 45 - 60 cm apart. Cauliflowers do best in very fertile soil and digging in a bucketful of well-rotted manure or organic matter before planting, and raking in 150g per sq m of general purpose fertiliser, will help growth. Firm the soil by treading before planting. Keep well watered until established and in dry weather. Feed once the plants are growing well. Fold the outer leaves over to help protect the heads from scorching from the sun, will need protection from the cabbage white butterfly.
Product Name F1 Atalaya
Species Cauliflower
Variety Atalaya F1
Planting Time March - July
Harvest Time September - November
Maturity from Planting 92-120 Days
Bolting Resistance Good
Hardyness Hardy
pH Level 6.0 - 7.0
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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