
42 In stock

Size: 6 x medium plug plants

An excellent tasty variety with its purple skin and creamy yellow flesh with a good winter hardiness. 
An excellent tasty variety with its purple skin and creamy yellow flesh with a good winter hardiness. Perfect for boiling and mashing.


August to December

Growing Instructions

Plant 30cm apart in firm but well drained soil. Keep well watered until established and more importantly in dry weather as this will prevent split woody tasting skins. Lift and eat within a week of picking.


Swede can be left in the ground over winter which will extend your harvesting period.
Product Name Magres
Species Swede
Variety Magres
Also Known As Rutabaga/Swedish Turnip
Planting Time March - July
Harvest Time August - December
Maturity from Planting 150 - 180 days
Bolting Resistance good
Hardyness Hardy
pH Level 6.0 - 7.0
Size 6 x medium plug plants
Pack Size Medium
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